Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sprouts without doubts

I did my shopping at Sprouts Market this week. They often have the best deals on produce, bulk items and meats, even organic items!

Menu Week of December 09-15, 2012

Steel cut oats  - 1lb @ .99 cents/lb from bulk bins
stewed cinnamon apples - .50 cents (1/2 pound braeburns @ .99 cents/lb)

Blackforest ham - $3.00 (1/2 lb @ $5.99/lb, deli sliced pre-wrapped)
Provolone cheese - $2.34 (about .40 lb @$5.99/lb, deli sliced pre-wrapped)
Store brand sourdough round loaf - $2.99
Flat of cuties - $3.99

Angel hair pasta - $1.25 for 1lb pckage
Rigatoni pasta - $1.25 for 1 lb package
Zuchinni - $1.25 (1.25 lbs @ .99cents/lb)
Roma Tomatoes - .88cents (1lb @ .88cents/lb)
Hot italian loose pork sausage - $1.78 (just under 1lb @ $1.99/lb)

Grand total is $20.22

The variety of pastas and add-ins allows me to have different meals each night of the week without going over budget. For instance, tonight I'm making angel hair with a blitzed zuchinni sauce, tomorrow I'll make a tomato based sauce with sausage to top the chunky rigatoni, the next night maybe i'll do angel hair with olive oil and fresh tomatoes. Tons of options.